Benevolence / Crisis care

This page will provide resources and guidelines to help during challenges or crisis. 

  • Benevolence / Crisis Care

    A list of community resources to help in time of personal challenges and/or financial hardship. To the best of our knowledge the information is accurate. However, SPBC holds no responsibility for the organizations listed. SPBC believes each person should consider insights from their biological families and spiritual families (church), and then utilize additional resources that can be of assistance. 

    If your organization would like to be added to our community resource list, please contact us and we will be glad to consider listing your services.


  • Emergencies and Pandemics

    Documents of information, instruction with guidelines, and resources in time of emergencies. 


    Anne Arundel County
    Food Access / School MealsCrisis Assistance

    Disaster Relief ministries:

    Peace through emotional support and spiritual encouragement with prayer. Contact us with your name and means of contact at 410-647-0765 or email Someone will promptly return your message,.

  • Covid Worship & Ministry Guidelines

    Our church is following best practices recommended from Center Disease Control (CDC) and AACO/MD guidelines for houses of worship. We recommend individuals and families consider these same guidelines for their personal healthcare. As a church, we strive to offer faith, hope, and love in mind, body, and spirit.  For those not ready to gather in person, please connect with us online Sundays 10:45am: