Sunday 9:30am
Bible Group for Youth (MS/HS). Youth study the Bible, using a curriculum called "The Gospel Project," which overviews the whole Bible every three years.
Wednesday 6:33-8:00pm
MS/HS Youth Group. Each week there will be activity/games, food, and some sort of Bible teaching element centered around a monthly checkpoint: Checkpoints_Flyer.pdf
All #5th Wednesdays there will be not be Youth Group, as adult volunteers will focus on planning and team building workshops.
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We are always looking for adult volunteers, so come join the team. Investing in students means you'll never go bankrupt :)
Volunteer Areas:
Service: Setup/Cleanup, Food, Host Home, Miscellaneous
Social: Games Coordinator, Discussion Group Facilitators, Event Planner
Speaking: Teaching Bible lessons on rotation team
SPBC Children's Ministry Policy & Volunteer/Worker background screening: CM_Policy.pdf
Permission Event Form online (click to complete)